Escallonia 'Snowbud' PB6.5



Common/Maori name(s): Snowbud 

Escallonia 'Snowbud' has large clusters of white flowers in summer that are popular with bees. It has larger glossy green leaves giving it a lush feel. At maturity it will reach 2.5m - 3m tall and wide. This larger leaved variety would do better in a more sheltered area away from cold winter winds and hard frosts past minus 5. Plant in full sun, West/North facing position. Likes moist but well drained soils, add compost to sandy soils when planting. Prune in spring or autumn to retain flowers.

Height of grade at sale: 30cm

Stock level indication: Stock limited

What are PB Bag sizes?

SKU: EsSn-PB65 TAGS: Exotic, Shrub, Hedge, Coastal, Love Honeybees and Bumblebees

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