Carpodetus serratus PB6.5



Common/Maori name(s): Putaputaweta, Marbleleaf 

Marbleleaf is an evergreen endemic small tree growing to a maximum of 10m high. It is a slender tree with spaced branches that creates dappled shade. Leaves are a distinctive mottled yellow and green leading to the name marbleleaf. Clusters of white flowers are borne in summer and are followed by purple berries in autumn. This tree has a prominent juvenile phase in which the leaves are small and the branches wirey. This will end when the plant matures at approximately >3m high. A common tree throughout New Zealand. Locally it is found among beech forest edges, mixed broadleaf forest and along streams. It requires rich moist soil so enrich when planting with compost and top the soil with thick bark mulch. Part shade and shelter from strong wind is ideal for this tree. Young plants are frost tender and should be protected over winter. Frost hardy once mature.

Height of grade at sale: 50cm

Stock level indication: Stock limited

What are PB Bag sizes?

SKU: Carser-PB65 TAGS: Native, Forest, Forest edge, Riparian, Evergreen, Shade, Tree, Love Native Pigeon / Kereru

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